Thursday, July 9, 2009

Will you be there ?

I m unable to fight my urge to write this piece RIGHT HERE & RIGHT NOW . In the midst of a very busy day with 2 page full of "things to do" and emotions bursting out of me ,derailing my every activity - its time to let it loose ...

yesterday evening , i watched the MJ memorial service and could n't help but be moved . My ears captured every word of his songs and it was so obvious how heart felt and personal each of them were .More often than not , we always prefer to do things that speak our heart in the process .every activity is and should be made to fulfill once's soul needs ..and so is this blog .

its more than anything , a safe haven for my soul to finally find a place in the WEB.

back to MJ , as jennifer hudson sang "will you be there ?" i came so close to hearing the pleas of a lonely soul , trapped within the confines of a pseudo support system which barely fulfilled the soul . his cries for help and the ever persistent need to be known and accepted in all of one's entirety .

we all have our idiosyncranices and the only people who accept them entirely are the ones who love us . they are very few in number , but once we find them ..its impossible to let them go .

our lives are enriched by the ones who love us for "what we are ", not for what "we must be ".
some of us are blessed with parents who fit in this catagory ,but most aren't .

relentless in their pursuit for idealism and perfection , they constantly focus on what is seen ,proven ,read about often ignoring the brokenness and power of our soul .

we only let our hair down to those ,who will accept us for "what we are " ...the rest can just be happy with a close to nothing "ME" .

The bonds formed by accepting people for their faults and deficiencies are the longest lasting ones and through Ups and downs in their life and circumstances ...they make it through . Jointly perfect ..singularly broken ,still in need for the other half .

As MJ expressed his real feelings to the whole world , and made people aware of their feelings and emotions ..he was still unable to communicate the same to those he needed the most ..

like i just coined ...Alone we are nothing and together we are ATLEAST TOGETHER

1 comment:

  1. Wowie,

    you seem to be the new age ayn rand.... but a comparision would be a blemish on your thinking....

    You are simply put, just you...
