Friday, August 31, 2012

dexter and entrepreneurship

A death knell for any career ....

why would i want to write about dexter .. and what i think most entrepreneurs can learn from dexter ?

first of all entrepreneurship is overrated media , people other than entrepreneurs and the community at large .....seriously no one deserves to put themselves through an uphill challenge at every stage ...its not about that at all .....a simple follow your instincts approach should work quite ok ...all depends on whether you have prepared yourself to make the most of your journey ...before this sounds boring here goes my post with dexter ...

for those of you unfamiliar with dexter ....use wiki or google ...for the others ...i m not much of a fan of the series , i never felt comfortable watching it , however the last episodes of the gellar series have got me hooked ....i wondered how a few of my friends watched dexter , what fascinated them about a series thats not really recommended for everyone ....but i guess everyone has a takeaway from it ....mine is limited to getting this blogpost done .

i couldn't help but notice his dexterity ....but that's not what this post is about :-)

dexter has an urge , is excited by .......thats foremost in entrepreneurship  ---no excitement means no action means no results

dexter constantly learns , questions , challenges himself , searches for solutions ....

dexter must follow his instincts ...when all else fails

dexter aims for better victims ....he is challenged by better opponents who get the best out of him .

dexter knows himself well ....his journey is his education .

dexter put his urge to better use - had to be helped by a mentor

dexter manages to lead a normal life inspite of his private focused odd mission.

dexter has a strong willpower ,which even his toughest opponents can't match

dexter pays attention to detail and picks up clues which even the best in his profession could not.

dexter surrounds himself with resources that match his mission...a serial killer working in a homicide department is as good as it gets ...

dexter knows his kind , he tries to assess their skills , their patterns ,their reasons and knows learns how to be better at the game.

dexter has a sole mission which changes over time fitting in changing priorities - thats reality .

and last but the best of all ....he's open to being wrong ....he constantly questions if he is wrong in assessing a situation helps him correct his course and make his mission a success .....that unfortunately is a skill most entrepreneurs should still learn from dexi-- and now that i ve given him a fond pet name ..ill stop here .

Sunday, August 26, 2012

C'mon life

This morning has been strange , slept with some thoughts , found some solutions i grapple with extra time on hands , all i can say is ...i will be able to liberate myself further ...paying attention to things i may not have earlier ...i seem to have cracked my secret code to workoholism ....yes u got it right ...avoiding pain by working too hard .....well not to discount my ambitious nature ...but i seem to have overworked the last 2 years just to avoid some pain . well i see a solution at sight now and for those who work with me ...too bad i m gonna be working only half as hard from now on :-)

As i spent last week ,not rushing , not fighting , not was a blissful state , its as if u tear a map in bits and pieces and shake those pieces up and just let them fly ....maybe a few bits will actually fall into place ....who cares about the rest of the map ...these few bits fell in place all by itself ....

The struggle to establish what i wanted vs what i was heading towards a matter of minor adjustment .Atleast the way i see it today ....focus on the bigger picture , the larger intention and give myself the time to see ,observe ,listen ... and move forward ..

I ve seen many of my friends grapple with those bits of the map , only to just let it fall in place and be happy in its effortlessness .

Nudge those events,people,resources around you just a bit , never to change its true course , observe what looks like your own bigger picture and choose that ....

C'mon life ...lets move it !